Chicken memorials: your tribute to a much-loved hen or rooster. (2024)

Memorial tributes to our beloved chickens, January and February 2024.
We lost our beautiful girl today – Mabel. Best friend of Isobel the brave who we lost Oct 2022 and Walter her ardent but ineffectual suiter.Mabel …

Chicken memorials, December 2023.
My sweet baby boy Shanks unfortunately passed a couple days ago. He was my pet and best friend along with his partner Buggy who is still with us, as well …

Chicken memorials, August to November 2023.
Petunia was a sweetheart! When she was only about three months old, she developed a chronic issue with her legs, and she could not walk very well, so she …

Sweet Little Beatrix
The spring, my mom brought me 2 beautiful Silkie chicks, one black and one white, from a swap in Kentucky. Both got sick. The little white sister died …

Our sweet girls - Matilda and Petunia
Matilda was a bantam Rhode Island Red who was hatched in May 2019 at a nearby pre-school class and then given to us when she was two weeks old. A few weeks …

Lucie was our Leghorn. We got her as a chick on Easter. It was our very first time having chicks. My husband surprised us with 4 of them. I was like "omg, …

Little Timmy – the star behind my pet therapy farm
Little Timmy was a Micro Serama, the smallest chicken breed in the world. He was hatched in my backyard in Idaho. I was technically in city limits when …

In loving memory of chickens we have lost during June and July, 2023.
In April 2020, my dad bought 10 Black Star chicks who were a mere 2 days old. I'd never been around chicks before, so I had no idea what to expect. I had …

In memory of chickens we have lost during May, 2023.
Cookie was a home hatched little banty gal. Her paps, Slim Pickins, was a banty White Leghorn mix and her mam was Peaches, a Belgian Bearded D'anvers. …

Our memorials to chickens we have loved and lost during April 2023.
Dixie was not quite a year old. We purchased her with 3 other chicks last year for one of our broody Buff Orpingtons.I believe she was a Dutch bantam/white …

I will see you later, Yello And Browntail
Unexpected things happen in life, but this will impact rest of my life that nobody around me understands much.My heart had been broken since I had …

Memorial tributes to chickens we have lost during March, 2023.
Daisy was a beautiful buff Orpington and one of our first flock.She was the head hen and kept everyone in line. She was only a year old but she was …

Dottie was a Speckled Sussex that we got at 3 days old. She was a failure to thrive baby and the place we bought her from gave her to us for free after …

Memorial tributes to chickens we have lost during January and February, 2023.
We took in the 8 month old beautiful cream Legbar from a friend after neighborhood dogs killed 3 of their 4 chickens.We have been slowly working …

Chicken memorials, November and December, 2022.
I have had quite a few co*ckerels in my time in France. But the best by simply miles was Vinnie. He was a huge purebred Bresse.We had bought him locally …

RIP Regina Reggiotto the best chicken there ever was.
Regina was a Rhode Island Red that was rescued from a slaughterhouse. My brother is orthodox Jewish and practicing Jewish slaughtering (it’s called "shechita" …

Chicken memorials, September and October 2022
...was not her original name...originally she had an Italian name which the owner was happy for me to change.I was a volunteer and it was my first …

Tributes to remember those chickens we have loved, August 2022.
I got Rosie as a Rhode Island Red (RIR) chick, and a few weeks after, Millie, a barred rock chick. I cage raised the two together as I had two Legbars …

Chicken memorials, July 2022.
When we got her as a two week old chick, she was the smallest in the whole store. Sometimes when I'd record videos of her, she'd peck the camera lens. …

Chicky-Chick (real name Princess Leia- never used)
One day, my son, who lives on a farm, said, "Dad- Can you hatch a few eggs for me?" "Of course," said Muggins, knowing absolutely nothing about it. …

Chicken memorials, June 2022.
Getting chickens was an impulse for my husband and I. One day we just decided to go to the local feed stores and see what they had available. It was then …

The first time i saw Noodles she was screaming for her life while being weighed at a butcher's shop. But she wasn't heavy enough so the butcher weighed …

The Story of Mr. P 2020-2022
We got him from a lady because I really wanted a Polish chicken. She had 3 Polish roosters, so we got all 3 because they needed homes and a couple of hens …

Memories of chickens we have loved and lost during May, 2022.
Rocky was from a very expensive beautiful breed – a Gameco*ck Rooster. But he was gentle and was injured by another when he was a young boy. He damaged …

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We brought home four little chicks this spring, and within hours we realized that Wendy wanted to sleep more than the others and was lethargic.We …

Tributes to remember those chickens we have loved, March and April 2022.
My three little pickle chicks. Don't really know why I called them that.Yesterday 04/21/22, my wife came home to find three of our four feathered …

Rosa, Yella and Bluela
My husband got our 3 year old girl 3 chicks . They were dyed pink yellow and blue so we named them Rosa,Yella and Bluela. Our little one adored them and …

Elizabeth was born on March 1st 2009 in New Jersey. She was a white Leghorn who was used for eggs in a tiny cage shared by 3 other hens. I had just gotten …

Memorial tributes to chickens we have lost during January and February, 2022.
There was a certain intensity to being around Werner that I cannot quite describe.I will miss him dearly now that Boba, my dog sadly mistook friend …

My pretty boy Huckleberry and Henrietta Brown Bottom
I actually just got Huck and Henrietta from one of my neighbors along with a bunch of hens 5 months ago. A glorious flock of 36.Today, another neighbor …

Jack Bird
At around 4PM on the 1st of December, 2021, our dear friend Jack, passed-away…For an entire month I have struggled at addressing and finalizing this …

Memorials to chickens we have lost during December 2021
Our girl Henny Penny was a gorgeous ISA brown with a crooked toe. She had the friendliest temperament and would always come up to us when we supervised …

Memorials to chickens we have loved and lost during November 2021
Nikki was a lavender Orpington that I raised from a day old as a part of a 15 strong heritage breed lot in 2019.This batch of chickens was my re-entry …

Bertie the Hen
Yesterday was a soft, mild, sunny day for late November here in Maine so I let my four girls out for some free range time, knowing that a snowstorm was …

Speckletail was an ISA Brown chook who we got in about October 2016. Before then, we had chooks only really for eggs, so they weren't really pets or friendly. …

Memorials to our chickens, October 2021.
27/10/2021Chickolas Cage, the 10 month old silkie hen, was a character to say the least.She loved to have a good cuddle, only her own terms though, …

Sinead, Phidelma, Lucy, Molly and Casper. Mrs. Dineen, Ms Marple, and Sideburns - You were loved
We had 8 chickens, raised from chicks, in our coop. They were Blue Andalusian, Rhode Island Red, Wyandottes and Buff Orpington and they were all beautiful …

Chicken memorials, September 2021
Dusty was part of 4 chickens that we bought during the Delta outbreak of Covid 19 in Australia.We named her and the others after Stranger Things characters …

RIP Bluey
I was given many reasons why having guineas was unwise: more difficult, less domesticated. I was told not to expect them to be like chickens. I've never …

A little boy and his Ginger
My 2 grandsons raised the family 4 hens from day olds. I don't know the breed - beautiful rich red colour. There was Ginger, Bronzie, Henny Penny and …

Chicken memorials, August 2021
I got Red only 7 months ago, but she quickly became one of the brightest parts of my daily routine.I found out early on that she had a slight genetic …

Chicken memorials, July 2021.
The US9 rooster has been a mainstay at our facility for many years and he has welcomed each of our employees as they arrive at work on a daily basis. …

Cosmo—Head Hen
When the COVID epidemic hit and we were all housebound , I decided to get some chickens for my grandchildren as it was something we always talked about. …

Peepers, an extraordinary Red Star Pullet
I bought Peepers from a lady who raises them. She was a 1.2 ounce Red Star that eventually grew into a four pounder. Peepers started laying at 16 weeks …

Goodbye Nuggie girl, momma misses you so much already
Today I lost my girl, Nuggie. I feel overwhelmed with sadness and feel like I can’t share this without people making me feel silly or making chicken jokes. …

A Staffordshire Bull Terrier owned by a builder our neighbors had hired broke into our yard and killed my favorite and our most affectionate hen, Blondie, …

Roo Paul 19 weeks old
Roo was supposed to be Hannah. When it turned out that he aas a rooster we were pleased that we unexpectedly would have one to preside over our 11 hens. …

Little Lottie
Lottie was a sweet, friendly bantam barred Cochin, who had just turned three when I found her dead on the coop floor last week.She has been through …

Chicken memorials, May and June, 2021.
Cheep cheep was one of the most beautiful roosters I had ever seen. He was a beautiful Crevecoeur and bantam mix.Sadly he was only two years old when …

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Which came first the chicken or the egg?
The answer for me to that question above is the egg. But only eggs from the grocery store for breakfast and so on - never have I ever hatched one to raise. …

Chicken memorials, April 2021.
Farrah was one of our 5 Buff Orpingtons. She was just a year old.We are new chicken owners and she was fine and eating and gave us an egg. She was …

Violet, my sweet White Silkie Bantam
My family and I bought into the pandemic chicken craze last April, partly because of the rationing of eggs at our local grocer, and also in an attempt …

Squeek, the dominant hen with the highest pitched voice
I got Squeek along with 10 other chickens from my uncle last summer. They were a couple / few months old.She was a black (I guess Australian) Orpington. …

Maxi made her way to my parents' house after being mysteriously left in their yard. Originally called "Maxima" by my folks because she was a big Rhode …

Chicken memorials, March 2021.
I lost my sweet Polaka today. It looks like a bird attacked her. (Owl or hawk)She was a polish chicken and in Spanish that translates to Polaka. That’s …

We have a lovely group of girls (mostly Easter Eggers and a few Wellsummers) we got about a year ago as chicks, and raised with love and care from the …

Dangerous Dot
I have had the pleasure of looking after Dot for just a few months (which honestly doesn’t feel like that). She was a new member of my little flock and …

Halo and Blue
Hello all,So upset what happened to our chickens.I got my chickens last year in middle of October, little bantam chickens one blue in colour which …

Chicken Memorials, January and February, 2021
White chicken was the most comunicable and caring chicken. Same goes for Brown - we named them after their feather color :)....The day they passed …

My beloved Roxy 💫💖💫
You just want them back. You want to go to them. You want to see if they are fine. You can't cope with their deaths.... She left too soon. That is what …

Little Baby Pikachula 🐥 R.I.P. 💕
My teenage daughter is a big animal lover. She's been asking for a pet like every single day, but since she lost her best buddy Peluso 🐕, I was afraid …

My Charlie, Donna, and two bitties, all gone within about 2 weeks...
Your story about your Charlie really got me. I'm not sure how I stumbled onto your page, but I am glad I did.I felt silly for crying for hours (okay, …

Chicken memorials, November and December, 2020.
My husband surprised me with 7 Australorp chicks in March 2020. I was able to raise them during pandemic shutdown and really enjoy the process.Tink …

Baby Blush - The colour of unconditional love
I don't have a very big story or anything that takes me in connection to years. My story is a story of 2 days. (Diagnosis- Mycoplasmosis).Final Moments. …

Baby Doink, Sweet Yoscha and Brave, Selfless Blueberry
We just lost our Blueberry to, we believe, a coyote.My daughter saw a flash of dog and ran to save her birds. Blueberry was caught in our field, so …

Michael, God Sent You And Took You Back
I received the gift of Michael in November of 2019. A friend called me and said that somebody had given her a chicken and that she didn’t have the heart …

Sweet Ree Ree
Our original flock came to us in December of 2019. We have gotten chicks since and raised them as well. (We loved being able to submit that experience …

Koki, we'll miss you :(
A few months ago, my partner and I rescued our first two chickens. One of them a very inquisitive Polish chicken, Pollo, with no feathers on her head because …

Chicken memorials, September and October 2020.
Koe-koe was a white fat lively chicken who I would actually have conversations with in chicken language.She would run like a velocicaurous raptor …

We will never forget you, our beloved Guinevere
We are a family of five and took home 5 chickens from my son's kindergarten class in May of 2019. We had watched them in the incubator as eggs in the classroom …

She was one of 17 delivered to our family in Iowa. She was just fine for 2 days and then we noticed she was kind of smaller compared to the other chicks. …

Growing up I always loved chickens and had around 60 of them, but no one ever compared to Waffles.At 14, my mom only allowed for a certain amount …

Tataku Pepay Kurukukski
Here's our happy pill, my another half, my everything Rooster. We got him last February 2016. They are colorful chicks being sold in a cart around here, …

Chicken memorials, August 2020.
Opal wasn't with us long, but she made a lasting impression while she was here and left a hole in our hearts after she was gone.Opal was a golden …

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We'll miss you, Bok Bok
So me and my wife have around 40 chickens. We use them mainly as egg layers, but as they get older and stop laying eggs we do butcher them at some point …

Chicken memorials, July 2020
I had a bay chicken named Freddy and he was sick, so my grandma made him feel better. But I made a mistake and drowned him.I punished myself by making …

Lady Frizz
After being hatched by two mama hens, Lady Frizz was one of four baby chicks, two were bantam frizzles and two were chocolate bantam chicks.When they …

My Little Angel
Brought 3 chicks in March 2020, out of which earlier yellow coloured chick died after 2 and half months.Within 10 days another chick died. This chick …

Rest Easy Hewey
Hewey was one of 3 Roosters we rescued from a local flea market from a farmer. We had another Rooster years prior because someone had dropped him in our …

Chicken memorials, June 2020.
Olive was the biggest of my Orpingtons and the loudest! She managed to get top of the pecking order but wasn’t overly picky on the other chickens. …

Want you back
We brought 3 chicks in March 2020 - pink, yellow and white. They might be just less than a week old. Not sure of their gender but I guess they are male, …

Chicken Memorials, April and May 2020
I had 3 chickens and they followed me everywhere and I spent a lot of time with them. I carried them around and we enjoyed every minute we had together. …

My Morag
I rescued my beautiful sweet Morag in July of 2018, along with 7 other gorgeous girls, ex battery hens. I loved and spoilt them.From April 2019 I …

My love for Charlie
My boyfriend and I met Charlie when we first moved to Las Vegas about 3 and a half years ago. Our nextdoor-neighbor-landlords kept Charlie as their pet, …

My sweet little puff
I had gotten Puff from the farm store I work at. A customer had come over to me concerned that one of the little meat chicks wasn’t doing too well and …

Chicken Memorials, January to end March 2020.
A fox got four of our five beloved hens yesterday. We are heartbroken and will miss them terribly.They would greet us at the car when we came home …

Memorials to two special hens: Dottie and Gigi
She came to us when she was about a month old. A cute little chicken. There were three rosters too. They grew up together, she was our favorite.After …

Our Precious Girls — We Will Always Love You!
Our eight little girls came to us in a variety of ways.Spressy (Espresso) our little booted bantam always looked like she had pantaloons on.Stormy …

Chicken memorials, 2019 - part 2
So my little girl chicken died yesterday. She was nine years old.She was not really mine but actually was my chicken because I took care of her a …

Forever in My Heart
Friday morning my little Roo, Croakin’ Joe died right before my eyes. He was only ten weeks old, yet I loved him so much.I had spent the previous …

In loving memory of Cannonball
We only got our hens about a month ago so it seems even more absurd that I am this upset, but the death of this particular hen has absolutely destroyed …

Clementine was delivered to us on Valentine's Day at 7 weeks old. I asked my youngest son to pick a name for her and he chose Clementine because of the …

Chicken memorials, 2019 - part 1
My Annabelle and Charlotte each laid 2 eggs a day but there was so much more to them than that! When they saw me coming, they jumped into my lap, snuggled …

In memory of our roos, 2019
I got this rooster by accident from my mother in law because they had moved so she couldn't have them.So I took on the responsibility of caring for …

My Precious Zeke
Zeke was one special member of our family. I got my little spit fire of life when he was only 2 months old. His previous owner told me he was a mix and …

Taco, Talon, Topo, Tasslehoff
On December 14 a wire malfunctioned in my and my fiance’s house. It sparked a fire and burned our beloved house down. Almost everything in it was destroyed …

My Minnie
My sweet little hen, Minnie, or as we lovingly called her “Min Min” - passed away this morning.I bought Min Min last year at Easter with her two sisters, …

Dumpling, my one and only
Some say it is to better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all. But this feeling, is the worst in the world. Dumpling wasn’t just a pet, …

My baby, Sweetpea
I have been keeping chickens strictly as pets, not for meat or anything of the sort (the eggs are just a bonus) since I was about 7. They've always been …

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duch*ess, my sweet
Our chicken raising adventures began at my mother's house. She brought home Rhode Island Red and Buff Orpington hatching eggs simply for the experience, …

Our Big Black Sophia
Sophia came to us as most chicks do, from our local feed store as a 2-3 day old baby chick. She was one of two black sexlinks we purchased that day. It …

A tribute to my best friend
Lopi was a rescue chicken and first became a part of my family in the middle of winter 2018. This was one of the coldest winters in several years and even …

co*cka was one of my 1st chicken purchases almost 2 years ago. He grew fast and weighed in at 20lbs.After a few months, I learned he was a meat bird. …

Eloise the Easter Egger
Eloise was one of our first four hens as we started with backyard chickens two and a half years ago. We lost one hen to fowlpox last year, and the other …

In Loving memory of 4 best friends
We had our four chickens for just over 2 months before a fox got to them this morning.I got to know these little creatures and watch each of their …

Beautiful Aussie.
Memorial to my sweet Aussie.My husband and I decided to get some backyard chickens two years ago. We worked hard building a coop and a safe pen from …

2018: Short but Sweet Chicken Memorials (2).
I lost a hen tonight (4-29-18).Hallie was one of my more inquisitive gals. Would be the first one running towards me when she heard the bag of meal …

The most beautiful, most amusing, most agonisingly missed, Pijin
My cousin had bought a few banties. As a first time chicken keeper he picked the most appealing breed, more to look at than anything but with eggs as an …

Our favorite chicken randomly died yesterday.In the morning my partner went out early to let the girls out of the coop, so they can be free in their …

Memorial to Rex my pet rooster
I got my pet rooster Rex in June of 2011. At first I wasn't sure whether he was a boy or a girl until he became a teen chicken when his curly tail feathers …

2018: Short but Sweet Chicken Memorials (1).
She was pronounced dead on the afternoon of Jan 4th 2018.She was a nice chicken. She had nice feathers and she was in good health.

Chicken memorials, 2017, part 2.
Rest In Peace, Sophia. Your life was too short but sweet. You were a character and a sweetheart, and I hope you are feasting on grapes and bread in chicken …

My beloved friends Chicken, Feathers and Haggis.
I began my amazing journey with chickens in the most unexpected way.I came home one morning and found a beautiful hen wondering quite happily around …

The One who will live on in our hearts.
In the summer of 2016, I decided I would try to start raising birds for the first time. Due to the nature of my living situation I was a little limited …

My Girl
Today I know for sure my chicken died of Sudden Death Syndrome.I witnessed it as I was walking to the house from the backyard.She was inside her …

A Memorial to Puff, the House Rooster
In 2008 we incubated 7 Barbu d'Uccle booted bantam porcelain eggs that our hen would not set on. First to hatch was Silly Britches and almost 3 weeks later, …

If I was at home
My baby chicken Thomas was a rescued chicken. (Thomas Butterscotch acutally as I couldn't tell if my chick was male or female)My 2 cats (mother is …

2016: Short but Sweet Chicken Memorials.
Today I came home to find Mini Pearl fast asleep on her nest with her sweet head hung down. My grandmother had found her just before so I had a slight …

A Memorial to Chicken Tikka.
I suffer from depression and read about pet therapy helping deal with it. So not liking animals living in my house I decided to get 6 eggs.After 2 …

2017: Memorials to Our Much Loved Hens (Part 1).
Alice was an ex-commercial hen, re-homed with her friend, Periwinkle.Alice was a perky little hen, she didn't like being picked up, but loved to peck …

2016: Short, sweet memorials to chickens (Part 2).
We found our gorgeous Splash Marans had died today.She was suffering with respiratory disease. She was doing well so we were quite shocked to find …

2015: More Short Chicken Memorials (Part 2).
Just found my baby girl curled up in the hen house, she had been dead only a short time.She was playing and begging for treats just this morning. …

Ivan the Terrible
I grew up around chickens. My father always had a coop full. However, I was not familiar with game birds. My husband acquired 2 hens and a rooster soon …

Nick, the miracle ex-bat hen 🐓
Today, our lovely chicken called Nick died very suddenly. She was absolutely fine until we noticed that she stayed in the nest box and didn't come out …

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Zorro and Heidi: Together Forever
Heidi and Zorro werey first Bantam pair ever. They were a pair of Old English Game bantams that I purchased at a local poultry show. The two were an inseperable …

In memory of Beep ( and my mom too)
This has been over a year, but since I'm new to this site, I'll post because i still feel badly about what happened.I bought 3 Rhode Island Red peeps …

Baby chicks taken too soon.
On Christmas day 2015 my daughter Haylee and her boyfriend Trevor surprised me with 3 baby chickens. They were so cute and I was so nervous that I was …

Swartzes, our sweet hen
I raised Swartzes on the kitchen counter with 6 other chicks of all different breeds. She was the only black chick, thus "Swartzes"- she was named from …

Chicken - the baby pigeon
Chicken was actually a baby pigeon.My father brought little Chicken home one day after he'd found him in the park. He'd been pushed out of the nest, …

Goodbye to our roosters.
My husband found our beloved pet rooster dead this morning, we think it was a heart attack. He was a handsome huge Dark Brahma, 5 years old, and I cry …

2014, 2015: Short Memorials to Loved Chickens (Part 1).
Chicken Nugget was a nice little chicken. I got him in April, along with his brother Punjab (who tragically died too young).He loved waking up in …

Hennifer Eggiston
For the longest time I had wanted chickens, and this past Valentines day my boyfriend made that possible. He built me a huge, beautiful coop and I had …

There Was No Hopa for Oprah!
This a story of our beloved chicken named Oprah.For a school project we - my three friends and I - decided to hatch chicken eggs. I got 8 eggs …

RIP to my lovely chickens.
About a month ago 5 of my chickens were safely locked in their coop. Then the next morning I come out and there was a big hole in the wooden door.…

The Short Voyage of Popeye.
Popeye came from one of three fertilized English Lavendar Orpington eggs I bought for my broody Blue Laced Red Wyandotte (Dotty). Dotty had been through …

Clyde - the little chicken with the big attitude.
I hatched Clyde myself in the Spring of 2014, one of only two Lemon Millefleur Sablepoot bantams to hatch from a clutch of eggs which, sent by post, had …

Henrietta, my Big Bird Buddy
Henrietta was a rescue. I got her at about 2 months old, she had the biggest yellow feet, so big that her back toe looked like a human thumb. She was 15lbs …

I was adopted by a hen
This story is about a hen, who we later named Kitty. Why?It all began when she would jump up on the edge on the freezer that we are using for storing …

So upset after tragic death of our beloved chickens
Hi everyone,It's great to find this page to share our thoughts about our beloved chickens.We had 2 beautiful chickens called Edwina and Henrietta. …

Beautiful Skyline - a hen in a million
This is something I posted when she died, almost two years ago. I wanted a more permanent memorial for her and your page is perfect.Sad day today. …

A Chicken Memorial toBeautiful Becky
I rescued Becky from a neighbor who didn't want her anymore. She had a bad leg but we took her anyway. Loved being held and gave us eggs every other …

A Memorial to Lucy Loo
It's not my chicken actually, but we all were very close to her, and my friend is devastated on her loss!She was a very "bossy" hen (Rhode Island …

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Chicken memorials: your tribute to a much-loved hen or rooster. (2024)


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.